Google Game?!?

Văzut la Vis Urât şi făcut şi eu aici.
1."Adi likes to take a doll (Adi bear or Piglet) and put it in her booster chair so she can feed her or give her" something to drink and sometimes she will take ..."
2."Adi likes to work with people and the GO Open Source community has allowed her to work in the very heart of the South African community. ..."
3."Adi likes to be in my blogs, so far she has been mentioned in my blogs 82 posts since December, 2005. "
4."Adi likes to twist things up to suit."
5."Adi likes to lie,. And he's gonna die. His body is filled with flies,. He's gonna fly to the sky!"
6."Adi likes to call them, ..."
7."Adi likes to catch the carp, but he also catches reguarly bream, tench, rudd and roach. "
8."Adi likes to drag each animal toward the old lady's mouth, then down to her tummy."
9."Adi likes to party! Adi likes to party!"
10."Adi likes to shoot".

Nu prea îmi place punctul 5! Mă întreb pe cine aş vrea eu să sun la 6?
A şi la 10 fraza întreagă: "
The photos below should give you an idea of the kind of photographs Adi likes to shoot."

Cam atât.